Torchwood Discussion – Miracle Day 9 ‘The Gathering’

Batten down the hatches, lock up your daughters and wrap that precious Torchwood fandom of yours in cotton wool and bubble wrap – Swithun is back!

As the Torchwood team make their penultimate moves in the game against the Three Families, we discuss the overall sweep of the series so far, wonder at the true nature of the Blessing and take a wild guess at how things might be resolved next week. This is your last (but one) chance to join us, so click below and give us a listen!

This week’s contributors: P.G. Bell and Swithun Dobson

We’re thinking of taking our arc plot disucssion further and would love to have your input. Let us know your favourite and most hated arc-heavy shows. Lost, BSG, X-Files… we want your opinions on the lot. Make yourself heard and we’ll do our best to include your thoughts in a future podcast!

Doctor Who Discussion – 6.09 ‘Night Terrors’

We don’t have our usual commentary for you this week, but worry not – we’ve got a terrificly spirited and in-depth discussion for you instead.

Location, location, location… how much influence does it have on Doctor Who, and how does Steven Moffat use it differently to Russell T. Davies? Plus, as Mark Gatiss returns to the show he helped relaunch, we examine his back catalogue and wonder whether we can forgive him for last year’s Dalek fiasco. Finally, we veer into a fairly serious debate about arc plots v. standalone episodes. Has Doctor Who got the balance right? (We’ll give you three guesses about Swithun’s stance on this one…)

All this, and a brand new podcaster! Join us in welcoming Sarah Burrow to our scary cupboard of fandom.



This week’s contributors: Anna Bell, P.G. Bell, Sarah Burrow, Swithun Dobson

Article: Click here for Swithun’s article, ‘Doctor Who’s Story Arc of Infinity (and Beyond?)’

We’re thinking of taking our arc plot disucssion further and would love to have your input. Let us know your favourite and most hated arc-heavy shows. Lost, BSG, X-Files… we want your opinions on the lot. Make yourself heard and we’ll do our best to include your thoughts in a future podcast!

Doctor Who – ‘Let’s Kill Hitler’ – Q&A with Steven Moffat

Photo by Dave Parsons

Doctor Who is back! Our full-length commentary will be online later this week but, to tide you over, here’s something a little bit special. WARNING: contains some spoilers about a returning monster!

Our very own Caleb Woodbridge had the chance to question Steven Moffat, Arthur Darvill and Karen Gillan at the recent preview screening for ‘Let’s Kill Hitler’, held at the British Film Institute in London. Find out how the showrunner keeps his stories straight, his approach to the mythology of the Doctor and, most importantly, why they really keep killing Rory.

The secrets of the universe lie within this podcast.* Can you afford to live without it?

*As long as you consider Karen Gillan’s favourite outfit of the series one of the secrets of the universe.

Torchwood Discussion – Miracle Day 7, ‘Immortal Sins’

No time for a full commentary this week, sorry, but Gwen Williams and P.G. Bell go tête á tête over the details of ‘Immortal Sins’, the latest episode of Torchwood: Miracle Day.

In addition to discussing whether this marks a turning point for the series, we find time to talk about Catholocism, homosexuality, armed police response units, the upward trend of John Barrowman’s acting (no, really) and velociraptors. What more could you ask for? (Apologies for any slight discrepancies in the sound quality of this week’s podcast – we experienced a few technical difficulties that we’ve done our best to remedy in the editing process).

Looking forward to the return of Doctor Who? Don’t forget to join us for Moffat Bingo, which will be available here on the blog on Saturday. Plus, stay tuned for a word from the man himself, recorded at the recent Q&A session at the British Film Institute!

Torchwood Commentary – Miracle Day 6, ‘The Middle Men’

Caleb WoodbridgeP.G. Bell and Gwen Williams discuss Miracle Day episode 6, ‘The Middle Men’. (Check out our spoiler-free review!)

We discuss Shanghai geography, Chinese swearing, whether 45 storeys is enough to guarantee unconciousness, Ghostbuster Ernie Hudson’s turn as Stuart Owens, Jack Harkness as gay or omnisexual, Esther’s uselessness, Gwen’s awesomeness, and the amount of posing that goes into blowing stuff up! Plus much more…


Doctor Who – ‘Let’s Kill Hitler’ Spoiler-free Review

Direct from the BFI screening, Caleb Woodbridge brings us his spoiler-free review of ‘Let’s Kill Hitler‘, the first episode of the autumn run of Doctor Who!

As the Doctor, Amy and Rory search for Melody Pond, they find the TARDIS hijacked! Arriving in Berlin, 1938, they discover they aren’t the only time-travellers present and that Hitler isn’t the worst war criminal on the loose…

I was lucky enough to get a ticket to the BFI screening of Let’s Kill Hitler in the two hours before they sold out. The screen was packed with fans and press, who laughed and cheered and whooped in all the right places. Scattered around the room were various Doctor Who cast and crew, from Michael Pickwoad the producting designer, to writer Phil Ford, Doctor Who Magazine editor Tom Spilsbury and many others of the great and the good. And, of course, Steven Moffat, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill – though sadly not Matt Smith, who is busy filming another series.

We’ll have more on the screening and Q&A soon, but now you can hear my first spoiler-free reactions to the episode! Hit play or click download to hear my review.

You can also read my 10 hints and teasers about Let’s Kill Hitler, and we’ll have our usual podcast commentary online after the show airs on BBC1!