Seven Ways the Doctor Could Cheat Death in ‘The Wedding of River Song’!

Caleb Woodbridge looks ahead to ‘The Wedding of River Song’, considering seven possible (or impossible!) ways to cheat death when you’re a Time Lord!

Theories covered include:

  1. “I woke up and it was all a terrible dream”
  2. It’s the Doctor’s ganger!
  3. It’s the Tessalecta!
  4. “Regeneration juice” and other technobabble
  5. “Time can be rewritten”
  6. “To be fair, the universe did blow up”
  7. The love of a good woman?

Listen to the evidence for and against each one, let us know your predictions, and check back in a day or two’s time for our commentary on the finale!


Book Review – ‘Quiet Houses’ – Simon Kurt Unsworth

“Do you live in a haunted house? Have you ever been to a place and had an experience that you cannot explain? Do you have a story to tell? Serious researcher wants to hear from you. Must be prepared to go on record. No timewasters. Tel:01524 500 501 ext 23 and leave a message.”

Simon Kurt Unsworth is one of the rising stars of horror and dark fantasy fiction, and we’ve got our hands on his new book, Quiet Houses – a reinvention of the classic English ghost story. Our reviews editor P.G. Bell gives us his verdict with the help of a genre-appropriate (and slightly ghostly) guest star. Click below to find out what they thought!


Title: Quiet Houses
Author: Simon Kurt Unsworth
Publisher: Dark Continents Publishing
Format: Paperback (£9.99)
ISBN: 9780983624516
Published: October 2011

Doctor Who Commentary – 6.12 ‘Closing Time’

Caleb WoodbridgeSwithun Dobson and Sarah Burrow discuss ‘Closing Time’ , episode 12 of Doctor Who series six, which sees the return of both of Cybermen and James Corden in the latest tale from Gareth Roberts!

As the Doctor’s death approaches, he makes a social call on his old friend Craig Owens, but soon finds himself saving the world one last time. We discuss the Doctor’s parenting skills, Cardiff filming locations, sentimental endings, and much more, as well as responding to your feedback on The God Complex!


Doctor Who Commentary – 6.11 ‘The God Complex’

Caleb WoodbridgeSwithun Dobson and Sarah Burrow discuss ‘The God Complex’ , episode 11 of Doctor Who series six, penned by Being Human writer Toby Whithouse.

The Doctor, Amy and Rory face their nightmares in an infinite hotel, but has travelling with the Doctor finally become too dangerous? We discuss nightmares, blogger stereotypes, religion in Doctor Who, Rory’s lack of faith, the question of what the Doctor believes in, the departure of Amy and Rory Williams, and much more.


Torchwood Commentary & Series Review – Miracle Day 10 ‘The Blood Line’

Caleb Woodbridge and Swithun Dobson discuss the finale of Torchwood: Miracle Day, The Blood Line. Has Miracle Day given Torchwood a new lease of life or reduced it to shambling corpse?

We discuss Holocaust parallels, dystopian futures, sympathy for the devil (or at least Oswald Danes), the clash between its high concept science fiction concept and its action-thriller format, and deliver our verdict on the series as a whole!

Have you stuck with Torchwood through to the end? What did you think of the conclusion to Miracle Day? Do you want to see more from the Torchwood team, and if so, where should the show go next?

Doctor Who Commentary – 6.10 ‘The Girl Who Waited’

Caleb Woodbridge, Swithun Dobson and Sarah Burrow commentate on ‘The Girl Who Waited’ by Tom MacRae, the latest episode of Doctor Who!

With Amy Pond trapped in the Red Waterfall facility, can the Doctor and Rory rescue her before she is killed by kindness? Or will time catch up with her first?

We discuss time-travel conundrums, asking if knowing the conventions of the show’s format helps or hinders the drama. We dig deep into Amy and Rory’s relationship, praising Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill’s performances, plus spot the connections to The Mind Robber, City of Death and Amy’s Choice, keep score with Moffat Bingo and much more!
