Lively Doctor Who podcast commentaries, plus reviews and discussions of science fiction and fantasy in books, TV, films and more!

Doctor Who Commentary – 4.03 ‘Planet of the Ood’

Join us, a bunch of Cardiff-based Doctor Who fans, as we discuss ‘Planet of the Ood’, episode 4.03 of the popular science fiction drama, including special effects, slavery, Slitheen and style over substance!

This week’s commentators: Swithun, Caleb, James and Peter


Doctor Who Commentary – 4.02 ‘The Fires of Pompeii’

Join us, a bunch of Cardiff-based Doctor Who fans, as we discuss ‘The Fires of Pompeii’, episode 4.02 of the popular science fiction drama, along with magma beasts, historical epics and the deification of the Doctor in our fan commentary!

This week’s commentators: Peter, Caleb, Swithun and James
