Lively Doctor Who podcast commentaries, plus reviews and discussions of science fiction and fantasy in books, TV, films and more!

Doctor Who Commentary – 4.08 ‘Silence in the Library’

Join us, a bunch of Cardiff-based Doctor Who fans as we discuss ‘Silence In The Library’ by Steven Moffat, which is episode 4.08 of the popular sci-fi series, including shadows, spoilers and skeletons in spacesuits!

This week’s commentators: Caleb, Peter, Swithun and James.


Doctor Who Discussion – 4.07b Eurovision Special

Join us, a bunch of Cardiff-based Doctor Who fans as we complain about the lack of Doctor Who this week, discuss the appointment of Steven Moffat as Who‘s new showrunner and take a look forward to ‘Silence In The Library’ and beyond.

This week’s commentators: Caleb, Peter, Swithun and James.


Doctor Who Commentary – 4.07 ‘The Unicorn And The Wasp’

Join us, a bunch of Cardiff-based Doctor Who fans, as we discuss ‘The Unicorn And The Wasp’, episode 4.07 of the popular science fiction drama, including murder most foul, dodgy vicars, gay agendas, charades and the question of Genre vs. History. All this and a blinking great insect too!

This week’s commentators: Caleb, Peter, Swithun and James.


Doctor Who Commentary – 4.06 ‘The Doctor’s Daughter’

Join us, a bunch of Cardiff-based Doctor Who fans, as we discuss ‘The Doctor’s Daughter’, episode 4.06 of the popular science fiction drama, including cloaking devices, Cornish accents, clockwork mice, how to drown a fish and the introduction of Jenny, the Doctor’s daughter (sort of!)

This week’s commentators: Caleb and James


Doctor Who Commentary – 4.05 ‘The Poison Sky’

Join us, a bunch of Cardiff-based Doctor Who fans, as we discuss ‘The Poison Sky’, episode 4.05 of the popular science fiction drama, including war-chants, obvious clones, dodgy science, and that cliffhanger into the next episode!

This week’s commentators: Caleb, Swithun, James and a very special guest


Doctor Who Commentary – 4.04 ‘The Sontaran Stratagem’

Join us, a bunch of Cardiff-based Doctor Who fans, as we discuss ‘The Sontaran Stratagem’, episode 4.04 of the popular science fiction drama, including the return of Martha, the Doctor’s dubious pacifism, jaunty red berets and Mr Potato Heads!

This week’s commentators: James, Caleb, Swithun and Peter
