Lively Doctor Who podcast commentaries, plus reviews and discussions of science fiction and fantasy in books, TV, films and more!

Doctor Who – The Rebel Flesh – Review

James Willetts shares his thoughts on ‘The Rebel Flesh’ – our commentary will follow shortly is now online. Let us know what you think in the comments!

As we kick off the second of this season’s two-parters, it’s great to be able to say that this was a good episode. I feel it’s necessary because the last time we got to this point in the season, last year’s Silurian double-feature The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood, I ended up giving up on what had been to that point an uneven start to the series. To say this has been the strongest New Who run ever is now surely a moot point. Further than that though, this episode means we’re now in the almost unprecedented position of having five straight episodes without a single stinker is more contentious but no less of an achievement. For the first time it feels like this is the programme that I have been waiting for Doctor Who to become.

Post-Industrial, low paid workers in peril is a recurring Doctor Who theme, as seen in Waters of Mars, 42 and The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit. Matthew Graham, this week’s writer, has fortunately managed to remove the majority of what made those episodes uniformly terrible, and in their place has crafted an excellent storyline with an interesting new monster.

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Doctor Who – The Doctor’s Wife – Review

Idris's new soulWasn’t that astonishingly, astoundingly fab?

It must be noted, before I continue, that I have long been an ardent admirer of Neil Gaiman’s work. That’s not because I’m worried about the Johnny-Come-Latelies hijacking the Gaiman bandwagon. He’s too big for this to be a break out piece of work. Instead, I need to say that because this review will be so gushing, so enthusiastic and so pro-Gaiman that anyone would think I had gone into this with low expectations and been surprised by an unknown and unexpected quantity.

So let it be noted that this is not the case. I am well aware of Neil Gaiman’s talent. He can be directly credited with my love of comics (in the same way that without A New Hope I wouldn’t love Film, without Sandman I would never have discovered, or grown to love, comics). His writing, especially his children’s books and short story collections, is wonderful and his blog is brilliant. I love the films he has been involved with, whether as writer (Mirrormask), translator (Princess Mononoke) or as creator (Coraline, Stardust). He is one of my favourite authors, and I would purchase anything and everything he puts out.

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Doctor Who Commentary – 6.04 ‘The Doctor’s Wife’

The Eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory answer a Time Lord distress signal from a junk-yard beyond the universe, and meet the mysterious and beautiful Idris, in a story penned by top fantasy writer Neil Gaiman. But does it live up to the hype?

Join us as we discuss kisses to the past, exploring the TARDIS, the identity of Idris and much more!

This edition’s commentators:Caleb, Peter and James.


What did you think – was this the best new series episode yet? Will this story change the way you see the show forever? What other parts of the TARDIS would you like to see on screen? Let us know your thoughts, in the comments below, or on Twitter, Facebook or by email.

Doctor Who Commentary – 6.03 ‘The Curse of the Black Spot’

Yarrr! Join us, me hearties, fer an adventure on t’high seas, aboard the good ship Impossible Podcasts, by the powers! (Or does no one actually say that?)

Anyway, we discuss disappearing pirates, green glowy Lily Cole, dodgy editing and much more in our commentary on ‘The Curse of the Black Spot’!

This edition’s commentators:Caleb and Swithun.


Doctor Who Commentary – 6.02 ‘Day of the Moon’

As the TARDIS crew battle the Silence, there are more shocks and surprises in store! Who is the eye-patch woman? Who is the little girl? What are the Silence up to? We discuss all the latest twists and developments in our latest commentary!


This edition’s commentators: Caleb, Swithun and Peter, plus guest appearance from Aled.


Doctor Who – The Curse of the Black Spot – Review

Inconsequential, thy name is ‘The Curse Of The Black Spot’.

If ever a stand alone episode has suffered from the excessive momentum of its predecessors this was it. Whatever followed the massive cliffhanger from last week was always going to be a little bit of a let down, so instead of explaining anything, we’re just moving on. All those questions that we have are to be put to one side for a little bit as we get a lighter, less ongoing-plot heavy episode instead.

This is very much Doctor Who by the numbers. That’s not to say it’s a bad episode. It’s a pretty good episode, with one or two really good ideas, and an intriguing narrative. It’s just that it was exactly what you might expect from Doctor Who. There was no effort made to make it more than your standard Doctor Who, no twists, just your monster of the week time again! There’s pirates, and a mermaid, and a spaceship and everything. This is totally what Doctor Who is all about.

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