Lively Doctor Who podcast commentaries, plus reviews and discussions of science fiction and fantasy in books, TV, films and more!

Game of Thrones Review – 1.07 ‘You Win or You Die’

Things are hotting up in Westeros but Kieran Mathers wonders just how far a show should go to keep its audience interested. Perhaps the Starks just need a brisk walk…

An awful lot of Game of Thrones is exposition. It’s not a police procedural, after all, and the world has to be defined through dialogue as there is little else to relate it to an unfamiliar audience. Disguising this exposition is one of the hardest tricks for a writer to pull off. One solution is to have a distraction or a gimmick to make such scenes more visually interesting. TV is a visual medium and has been taking advantage of this for a long time.

A great example of this is The West Wing. To keep expository scenes interesting, writer Aaron Sorkin made the characters walk. It didn’t matter where they were walking, just that the dialogue had some action to it. He later admitted the only reason he had done this is to stop characters talking to each other statically, and in the process created a new verb: ‘To sorkin’ – the act of walking fiercely in one direction while holding a rapid-fire conversation. Intelligence and a good sense of direction is required.

However, Game of Thrones has discovered something different in the form of visual gimmicks: noble butchery and … sigh … lesbian tryouts. I wish I were kidding.

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Torchwood Spoiler-free Preview – Miracle Day 4, ‘Escape to LA’

Caleb Woodbridge previews ‘Escape to LA’, the fourth episode of Torchwood: Miracle Day. The Torchwood team arrive in Los Angeles, but there’s no time for sun and surf…

Torchwood: Miracle Day continues to build steadily in ‘Escape to LA’, as the world tries come to terms with what to do with the undying sick and injured. Gwen’s not the only member of the Torchwood team attempting to protect their family, and in each case, it brings unhappy consequences.

Arriving in Los Angeles, the Torchwood team take the fight to PhiCorp, but a trap is closing around them. Meanwhile, Tea Party politician Ellis Hartley Monroe is stirring up the masses with the slogan “Dead is Dead”, and stealing Oswald Dane’s limelight while she’s at it…

Oswald Dane’s self-preserving self-promotion reaches new heights, or depths. Although he’s one of the most interesting characters, I find the role he takes on at the end of episode 3 as unofficial spokesman for PhiCorp to be rather unbelievable. Even if he was able to win some measure of sympathy on Twitter, a convicted child rapist and murderer who’s escaped justice would still be a massively hated and controversial figure. His trajectory in this episode is no more credible, though his interplay with Jilly Kitzinger in this episode is entertaining.

Dr Vera faces the medical emergency and ethical questions. “The Western world has always hidden its unwanted”, one character observes with the clunkety-clunk of unsubtle social commentary in one scene. It’s good to see some of the larger patterns and theme of the series beginning to emerge more clearly.

There’s also a building sense of foreboding as the extent of PhiCorp’s plans begins to be revealed. A generous dash of action and humour go a long way once more to keeping the whole show watchable amid its many improbabilities. Watch out for Gwen’s attempt at an American accent!

So far Miracle Day has never been less than entertaining, but has yet to fully deliver on the promise of its premise. Four episodes in, the show really needs to be hitting its stride, but it still feels stuck in third gear. It continues to dangle the promise of greater things to come in front of the viewer. I’m intrigued by the Miracle Day concept, and the irreverence of the show keeps me watching, but it has yet to wow me.

Torchwood Discussion – Miracle Day 3, ‘Dead of Night’

Caleb Woodbridge and P.G. Bell discuss Episode 3, ‘Dead of Night’ (spoiler-free review here), including Captain Jack’s “mortal urges”, the implausible rise of Oswald Danes and whether Miracle Day is suffering from Lost syndrome.

With Swithun in America, Peter moving house, and Caleb going to a wedding and a job interview, real life has caught up with us, meaning a discussion rather than a commentary this week – but never fear, normal service will be resumed next week! Or at least, our usual episode commentary – we make no pretensions towards normality.

Did you enjoy episode 3 of Torchwood? Are you gripped by each episode, or is your attention beginning to wander? What’s the purpose of the Miracle – is PhiCorp behind it, and why? Let us know your opinions, theories and speculation!

Video Games Review – ‘Sonic The Hedgehog’

Ready for a blast from the past? As SEGA’s champion celebrates his 20th birthday, video games industry insider Christopher Bell looks back to the game that started it all and wonders if Sonic can ever regain his winning streak. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below!

June 23rd, 1991.  After an in-house contest to design a new mascot, SEGA finally had something that could give Mario a run (pun intended) for his money.  Poor old Alex Kidd was given his marching orders and replaced by an impatient, sapphire speed demon by the name of Sonic.  Although SEGA eventually lost the console war against Nintendo’s SNES, the once chasm-sized difference in market share narrowed to a spine’s breadth.  At one point, he was as popular as Mickey Mouse, with a huge range of merchandise (books, ring binders, plush dolls and even ketchup!), a Macy’s Day balloon and a gene (one that controls the development of your digits and organisation of your brain) to his name.

Now, 20 years later and on the verge of a Star Trek-esque anniversary reboot; Sonic the Hedgehog, this is your life…

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Video: Meet the Impossible Podcasts team!

Who are the impossible people behind the Impossible Podcasts? Meet the team as we discuss our favourite eras of Doctor Who, our geek interests and specialties, and our claims to geek fame!

What about you – what are your geek interests, and what else would you like to see us cover? Do you have any cool “claim to fame” stories? And what do you think of our first foray into video? Let us know below!

Torchwood Review – Miracle Day 2, ‘Rendition’

James Willetts wonders why the latest episode of Torchwood wasn’t as much fun as Iron Man or dinosaurs.
If you missed our commentary for ‘Rendition‘, find it here! 

There are two huge problems with the second episode of Miracle Day which derail an engaging and enjoyable story.

Unfortunately there are two parts of the episode which ring so false that all sense of logic, excitement and larger storyline are utterly lost. The first is the softening of the public’s attitude towards Oswald Danes, and the second is the creation of an anti-toxin to cure arsenic poisoning from the everyday contents of an aeroplane.

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