Lively Doctor Who podcast commentaries, plus reviews and discussions of science fiction and fantasy in books, TV, films and more!

Doctor Who Commentary – 6.10 ‘The Girl Who Waited’

Caleb Woodbridge, Swithun Dobson and Sarah Burrow commentate on ‘The Girl Who Waited’ by Tom MacRae, the latest episode of Doctor Who!

With Amy Pond trapped in the Red Waterfall facility, can the Doctor and Rory rescue her before she is killed by kindness? Or will time catch up with her first?

We discuss time-travel conundrums, asking if knowing the conventions of the show’s format helps or hinders the drama. We dig deep into Amy and Rory’s relationship, praising Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill’s performances, plus spot the connections to The Mind Robber, City of Death and Amy’s Choice, keep score with Moffat Bingo and much more!


Book Review – ‘Kingston to Cable’ – Gary Greenwood

There’s a new reviewer in town. Claire Fayers squares off against the latest offering from fantasy and horror writer Gary Greenwood. Who will be left standing?

Western crossovers seem to be gaining in popularity. First we had Western-martial arts comedy (Shanghai Noon), then Korean Western (The Good the Bad and the Weird). Cowboys and ninjas fought in The Warrior’s Way and, as I write this, Harrison Ford is doing battle in Cowboys & Aliens.

Kingston to Cable by Gary Greenwood takes the Western, shakes it up a bit and dumps it in a fantasy setting. The world is one of isolated towns separated by vast expanses of inhospitable territory and the opening scene is the most classic of all Western classics: a stranger rides into town.

Or, rather, a Stranger. In Kingston, Strangers are a recognised class – wanderers with names such as Slake and Hook and Justice. They stay in the town Station, drink in the town bar, stay for a few days or a few weeks, and move on. Some of them are pursuing their own agendas, some just appear to enjoy causing trouble. Many are reputed to have magical powers, which explains the townspeople’s reluctance to get involved with them.

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Torchwood Discussion – Miracle Day 9 ‘The Gathering’

Batten down the hatches, lock up your daughters and wrap that precious Torchwood fandom of yours in cotton wool and bubble wrap – Swithun is back!

As the Torchwood team make their penultimate moves in the game against the Three Families, we discuss the overall sweep of the series so far, wonder at the true nature of the Blessing and take a wild guess at how things might be resolved next week. This is your last (but one) chance to join us, so click below and give us a listen!

This week’s contributors: P.G. Bell and Swithun Dobson

We’re thinking of taking our arc plot disucssion further and would love to have your input. Let us know your favourite and most hated arc-heavy shows. Lost, BSG, X-Files… we want your opinions on the lot. Make yourself heard and we’ll do our best to include your thoughts in a future podcast!

Doctor Who Discussion – 6.09 ‘Night Terrors’

We don’t have our usual commentary for you this week, but worry not – we’ve got a terrificly spirited and in-depth discussion for you instead.

Location, location, location… how much influence does it have on Doctor Who, and how does Steven Moffat use it differently to Russell T. Davies? Plus, as Mark Gatiss returns to the show he helped relaunch, we examine his back catalogue and wonder whether we can forgive him for last year’s Dalek fiasco. Finally, we veer into a fairly serious debate about arc plots v. standalone episodes. Has Doctor Who got the balance right? (We’ll give you three guesses about Swithun’s stance on this one…)

All this, and a brand new podcaster! Join us in welcoming Sarah Burrow to our scary cupboard of fandom.



This week’s contributors: Anna Bell, P.G. Bell, Sarah Burrow, Swithun Dobson

Article: Click here for Swithun’s article, ‘Doctor Who’s Story Arc of Infinity (and Beyond?)’

We’re thinking of taking our arc plot disucssion further and would love to have your input. Let us know your favourite and most hated arc-heavy shows. Lost, BSG, X-Files… we want your opinions on the lot. Make yourself heard and we’ll do our best to include your thoughts in a future podcast!

Doctor Who Review – 6.09 ‘Night Terrors’

Scary for scary’s sake? Reviewer James Willetts asks whether last Saturday’s episode had more to it that meets the (glass) eye…

There’s a lot of talk a lot of the time about how scary new-Who can be. How it’s somehow unsuitable for children, as though terrifying them about a fictional monster is in some way going to emotionally cripple them for life. It’s an argument that most people, thankfully, have little time for, and I bring it up because ‘Night Terrors’, an episode which was seemingly designed simply to scare the crap out of small children everywhere, actually addresses it. It’s a nicely meta moment that sums up everything else within this episode; a child’s father mentions that, to stop him being scared, they banned scary television.

It’s probably a common response. If you read the message boards and speak to parents they often worry that Doctor Who may be unsuitable for their child. As though mild peril with a through-flowing message that everything will be alright in the end is a bad thing.

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Torchwood Discussion – Miracle Day 8, ‘End of the Road’

It’s here! Our (one man) discussion of the latest episode of Miracle Day.

After the twists and revelations of last week’s episode, can Torchwood maintain the standard? Will the presence of so many other sci-fi franchise actors help or hinder them? And just what has Oswald Danes been up to these past few weeks? P.G. Bell takes a one man romp (maybe more of a saunter) through the latest happenings.  James Willetts will be back later in the week with his written review.
