Matt Smith is the 11th Doctor: Live Reactions

Matt Smith is the Eleventh Doctor!

Caleb had his dictaphone recording as the casting of the Eleventh Doctor was announced on BBC1 yesterday evening, capturing his first reactions and initial thoughts – have a listen, and stay tuned for more in depth analysis and reaction from the whole team very soon! You can also read some thoughts on A Journal of Impossible Things.


Doctor Who Commentary – 1.02 ‘The End of the World’

Our Series 1 retrospective continues with ‘The End of the World’, written by Russell T Davies and starring Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper. The Doctor and Rose travel to the year 5 billion. Join us as we discuss death, optimism, chips and spotting the Moxx of Balhoon on a crafty fag-break!

This edition’s commentators: Caleb, James and Swithun


David Tennant’s Departure and 11th Doctor Speculation Special

Join us, a bunch of Cardiff based fans, for a brief retrospective of David Tenannt as the 10th Doctor and speculation on who will be (and should be) the 11th Doctor. We also announce the winners of our Big Finish Short Trips competition.

This edition’s commentators: Caleb, James, Peter and Swithun. Visit our Meet the Team page!


Russell T Davies Signing Special + Whoniversal Appeal Preview

A live report from the Cardiff signing of The Writer’s Tale, the new book by Russell T Davies and Benjamin Cook going behind the scenes of series 4 of Doctor Who. We review the book, talk to the fans, and have a very special guest appearance by the big man himself!

A transcript of Caleb’s interview in February 2007 with Russell T Davies for Quench Magazine is available on his blog, A Journal of Impossible Things.

Plus, we interview Melissa Beattie, organiser of the upcoming Whoniversal Appeal academic conference at Cardiff University. A Podcast of Impossible Things will be taking part in and reporting on the event. To find out more about Whoniversal Appeal and to book a place, visit


Doctor Who Commentary – ‘The Aztecs 4: The Day of Darkness’

The fourth and final episode of ‘The Aztecs’. Join us to find out what James made of his first classic series story, and hear us discuss pulleys, endings, engagements and much more besides!

This edition’s commentators: Caleb, James, Peter and Swithun.


Big Finish Special – ‘How The Doctor Changed My Life’

Join us for a very special edition of A Podcast Of Impossible Things, as we celebrate the latest short story anthology from Big Finish – Short Trips: How The Doctor Changed My Life, featuring our very own Caleb Woodbridge!

We have lots of interviews, including Michael Coen, overall winner of the competition, the full text of which can be read here, along with contributions from many of the other writers. We also speak to editor Simon Guerrier about the unique way in which the anthology was created, as well as his own ascent from the slush pile to publication. Plus, Doctor Who writer Robert Shearman chats to us about his own new short story collection, Tiny Deaths.

And as if that wasn’t enough, we launch our very first competition, with three copies of How The Doctor Changed My Life up for grabs. All you need to do is answer the following question: Where was Caleb working when he got the idea for The Shopping Trolleys of Doom?, the answer to which is in the podcast! The closing date is 25th October, after which we’ll pick the three winners at random. To enter, email your answer to The competition is now closed.

We’ve also made the local press! The South Wales Echo ran a story on How The Doctor Changed My Life, including a mention of the podcast, though it must be pointed out that contrary to the description given, it’s not just Caleb’s podcast!

This edition’s commentators: Caleb, James, Peter and Swithun


Big Finish: [Click Here]
Buy How The Doctor Changed My Life: [Big Finish] [Amazon]
Buy Tiny Deaths: [Click Here]