Doctor Who – The Beast Below – Review

‘In front of you are two buttons. One is marked ‘Remember’ and the other ‘forget’’.

This is an episode of Dr Who which I spent the majority of reminding myself wasn’t actually a ‘choose your own adventure’ book. I felt like at any moment I might have to turn to page 131. Worse, at one point I tried to roll for initiative to see if the Doctor was taken captive by a smiler, or whether i failed my skills check on pressing remember (I did).

Indeed, it may as well have started with “This episode of Doctor Who was brought to you by the letters C, H and OICE”.

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Doctor Who: “The Eleventh Hour” Review

What did the team think of “The Eleventh Hour”? Caleb and Swithun’s opinions are currently in the podcast editing suite, but first, our very own James Willetts clocks in with his review!

The Eleventh Doctor

I’ve rechristened it. From now on I will only be referring to Doctor Who as Doctor WOW.

So, the Doctor is back, and with it comes a whole new cast and mindset. To the hardcore fans it was always going to be either a solid hit or a total let down. It seems like years since we found out that Moffat, for most people the best writer of New Who, would be taking the reins for the 5th Season. With great expectation can come great disappointment, with the outcome being a deflated script and the usual fare, a soggy insubstantial wafer, the water biscuit of television.

So it comes as a real pleasure to be presented with an effulgent feast, a bacchanalian celebration of the Doctor and the best set up to a relaunched series for an age.

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Doctor Who Commentary – 4.18 ‘The End of Time, Part 2’

It’s the end… but has the moment been prepared for? Join us as we discuss the Tenth Doctor’s swansong, noisy neighbours, RTD finales, and the arrival of George McFly – sorry, Matt Smith – as the Eleventh Doctor!

This edition’s commentators: Caleb, Swithun and James.

And don’t forget to check out our set report from the filming of the scene with Verity Newman.

Doctor Who Commentary – 4.17 ‘The End of Time, Part 1’

It’s the beginning of the end, as the Doctor faces the Master reborn, madder and badder than ever. I discuss magic resurrections, global transformations and temporal explanations in my commentary on The End of Time, Part One! But what have I done to the other podcasters?

This edition’s commentators: Caleb, Caleb and Caleb.


Doctor Who Commentary – 4.16 ‘Waters of Mars’

The Doctor dices with destiny in ‘Waters of Mars’, but are the Impossible Podcasters impressed with the latest Doctor Who special? With reactions ranging from love to hate, it might be our most heated disagreement yet. Join us as we discuss water zombies, absent Ice Warriors and comedy robots in our latest commentary!

This edition’s commentators: Caleb, Swithun and James.


Torchwood Commentary – Children of Earth ‘Day One’

We turn our attention to Doctor Who’s “adult” spin-off Torchwood as it hits the mainstream! As the children of earth come to a halt, Captain Jack, Gwen Cooper and Ianto Jones find themselves being hunted down.

But they also face an even more formidable challenge: winning over the traditionally Torchwood-skeptical members of the Impossible Podcast! Will ‘Children of Earth’, the new, more respectable BBC1 incarnation of the show, succeed where alien sex gas and Cyberwoman have failed?

This edition’s commentators: James, Swithun and Caleb.
