About Sarah Burrow

Sarah came to Cardiff of her own free will in 2007 and hasn't managed to escape yet. Her university years saw her become President of the Harry Potter society, develop a fondness for vampires and a taste for red wine. She may have done a bit of studying as well, though she firmly denies this. Although Harry Potter remains her first love, she has become an enthusiastic fan of New Who. She is comfortable with her knowledge of Silurian and Slitheen but she is happy to let the others deal with the old monsters from the days of papier mache and spell-o-tape...sorry sellotape. Sarah is a fan of urban fantasy, paranormal romance, and dystopian series and is occasionally led astray by police procedurals. She is a regular on the podcast although has no idea how she got there! When not indulging her geek habit she works as an Occupational Therapist in her spare time.

Doctor Who Discussion – 6.09 ‘Night Terrors’

We don’t have our usual commentary for you this week, but worry not – we’ve got a terrificly spirited and in-depth discussion for you instead.

Location, location, location… how much influence does it have on Doctor Who, and how does Steven Moffat use it differently to Russell T. Davies? Plus, as Mark Gatiss returns to the show he helped relaunch, we examine his back catalogue and wonder whether we can forgive him for last year’s Dalek fiasco. Finally, we veer into a fairly serious debate about arc plots v. standalone episodes. Has Doctor Who got the balance right? (We’ll give you three guesses about Swithun’s stance on this one…)

All this, and a brand new podcaster! Join us in welcoming Sarah Burrow to our scary cupboard of fandom.



This week’s contributors: Anna Bell, P.G. Bell, Sarah Burrow, Swithun Dobson

Article: Click here for Swithun’s article, ‘Doctor Who’s Story Arc of Infinity (and Beyond?)’

We’re thinking of taking our arc plot disucssion further and would love to have your input. Let us know your favourite and most hated arc-heavy shows. Lost, BSG, X-Files… we want your opinions on the lot. Make yourself heard and we’ll do our best to include your thoughts in a future podcast!