About Olivia Cottrell

Olivia lives in Chessington and as such finds the distraction of video games, books and television a necessity. A former student of Cardiff University, Olivia has an abundance of strongly held opinions, most of them contradictory. Her favourite things include video games, Marvel comics (especially ones from the Sixties), feminism, books about magic that don't feature young men going on an epic journey of self-discovery, Iron Man, and thinking far too hard about nerdish things.

Doctor Who Commentary – 6.06 ‘The Almost People’

Join us as we discuss ‘The Almost People’s’ many twists and turnsas the Eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory attempt to escape the island and bring peace between humans and flesh, and face some startling discoveries of their own. We discuss everything from Roman Rory through to Moffat’s alleged sexism, and of course, that cliffhanger!

This edition’s commentators: Caleb, Peter, Swithun and Olivia.
What did you think of ‘The Almost People’? Does the ongoing story have you enthralled, or has it distracted from the individual stories? Remember to read James’s review, and let us know what you think in the comments below!

Doctor Who Commentary – 6.05 ‘The Rebel Flesh’

Join us as we discuss ‘The Rebel Flesh’, in which the Eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory encounter a solar tsunami, acid mining, programmable matter and  renegade dopplegangers!

This edition’s commentators:Caleb, Peter, Swithun and introducing Olivia.

What did you think of the episode? Double delight or pale imitation? Don’t forget to check out James’s review, and let us know what you think in the comments below!